Friday, October 22, 2010

New Haven Green and other New England Fall Spendours

These past few weeks since Labor Day here in New Haven Connecticut have been wonderful--not only for the precious time spent with family, i.e. visiting Celeste our first grandchild and her parents at Yale (see yesterday's blog) but equally rewarding was my first time seeing New England in all its Fall glory!

We made 2-3 forays to see the top-rated villages "Yankee Magazine" recommended--it was a superb choice! And then we explored around those areas and found much more on our own as well--simply wandering and seeing what is around the next corner is SO great!.

The top-rated spots we started our exploration from included Kent Village in western Connecticut, Manchester Village and Bennington Vermont in the Green Mountains, and Williamstown and other sights along the Mohawk Trail in the Berkshire Mountains of western Massachusetts. Our favorite place was Shelburne Falls--a lovely little artist community near the Vermont border north of Springfield Massachusetts.  Experiencing these places in the Fall almost makes me willing to try winter as well! Everyday has brought new vistas and experiences large and small that I will always treasure--even rainy days had their own beauty! I have many photos for you to peruse and share in a FLICKR Album entitled 'New England in the Fall" and your suggestions on improving my photography would be greatly appreciated!.

Please enjoy your own virtual tour of some of the beautiful places I sampled including many art galleries, museums, historic battlefields, small quaint shops, wonderful farms decked out for Halloween, meandering rivers, the amazing churches, and serene graveyards we visited... Graveyards must be at their most picturesque here in New England--see particularly the "Sacred Acre" graveyard in Bennington where Robert Frost the great poet is buried with his wife and other famous Vermonters.

I will have a lot to remember and think about over the coming winter! More later and my best--we go back West next week but New England will be on our minds in more ways than you can imagine!

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